Topic P5_H from CPU FAQ base

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SU.HARDW (2:5020/78.7) ——————————————————————————————————————————— SU.HARDW From : Leonid A. Broukhis 2:5020/6.14 Sat 29 May 93 18:56 Subj : Pentium Processor - what's new? ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— From: (Leonid A. Broukhis) [Quoted from USENET newsgroup comp.arch] Appendix H This appendix describes the privileged-mode architectural extensions which have been introduced with the Pentium(tm) architecture, which are not present in the Intel386(tm) or Intel486(tm) architectures. These consist of a new register set, the Microcode Patch Registers (MPR's), and two new instructions: PMPR Push Patch Register EMX Execute Microcode Extension In the design of the Pentium(tm) processor, historical averages were used to predict the number of fatal microcode bugs which could be expected in the production silicon. At the equivalent of 360K bytes of microcode data, it was anticipated that there would be approximately 25 fatal bugs. 32 patch registers were included to allow for the remapping of up to 32 microinstruction words. Prior to enabling interrupts and protected-mode addressing, it is expected that power-on initialization software will load the MPR's with data appropriate for that chip's revision level and stepping. Use of the MPR registers for performance enhancement is reserved for Intel. There is no support for customer-generated patches to the microcode. H.1 Microcode Patch Registers The Microcode Patch Registers (MPR) consist of a 256-bit instruction field and a 12-bit address field, as shown in Figure H-1. [Figure H-1 deleted.] Prior to enabling interrupts or protected-mode addressing, the power-on initialization software loads the MPR registers with data appropriate for the chip's revision level and mask stepping (see Chapter 13, "Reset Initialization" for more information). The 256-bit data field of the MPR register specifies the micro- instruction bit pattern which is to replace the pattern stored in the chip's Microcode ROM (MR). The 12-bit address field specifies the Microcode ROM Address (MRA) of the microinstruction word to be replaced. H.2 Microcode Patch Instructions The Pentium(tm) architecture contains two new privileged instructions for handling the microcode patching mechanism: * PMPR -- Push Microcode Patch Register * EMX -- Execute Microcode Extension Upon power-on initialization, the Microcode Patch Register Pointer (MPRP) is cleared, so it is pointing to MPR register 0. Every time the PMPR instruction is executed, the 256-byte microcode image at the effective address referenced by the mod R/M byte is loaded into the MPR register addressed by the MPRP register, then the MPRP register is incremented. H.2.1 PMPR Instruction [bit box and pseudo-code deleted] The PMPR instruction loads the MPR register pointed to by the MPRP register with the 256-byte image referenced by the mod R/M byte. No flags are affected. H.2.2 EMX Instruction [bit box and pseudo-code deleted] The EMX instruction executes the microcode sequence stored at address 0F80H in the microcode ROM. This instruction is reserved by Intel and must not be executed.

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